Text Appearing Before Image: indow-sill, a young woman wasperforming the most daring evoUuions, in such^position that a false step would have precipitatedher into the street below. By way of reply to ihe warnings which wereaddressed to her by the spectators, who werealmost paralysed with terror, she kissed herhands repeatedly to the assembled crowd. Convinced that ih&y had to deal with a lunatic,a gentleman entered ihe open door of the house,found his way into the room, and succeededin bringing the young person down from herdangerous position. In answer to his question she presented himI with her card, on which stood the word^, Kathinka Bodros, rope dancer. She in-formed him that she had formerly belonged toa company of acrobats who had failed, and shehad been compelled by necessity to take service-as a chambermaid. While cleaning the windowsshe had been unable to resist the temptation topractise her evolutions and pirouettes by wayof keeping her hand (feet ?J in. He is idle that might be better emj>loyed. Text Appearing After Image: THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE. -Born ■zgth December, 1809.Died iqtk May, 1898. (Frojn a j>hoto by Samuel A. Walker, 230, Regent Street, IV.) A yotmg man idle, an old man needy. Last Hours. ^M^HERE is no death\ What seems so is^■^ transition; This li/e of mortal breathIs but a suburb of the life Elysian Whose port.il we call rf^«//z.—Longfellow. Opportunities. Ti^PFOR TUNITYflies, O brother,^^ As the cloud that quick doth pa^s :Oh, jnake use of it! life is precious.If we let it go—alas I HiT.FlZ,
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29 juillet 2014
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2 octobre 2015
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