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- to multiply one’s salaray sixfold : multiplier son salaire par six six-pointed (ac) : [étoile] à six branches six-sided (a) : à six côtés sixth form (n)...274 kio (40 191 mots) - 20 octobre 2024 à 09:12
- always fascinated by the Faun theme - possible because he himself had pointed ears! Also he had a great feeling for the lyrical and the mythological. »
- creatures, you may tease them as much as you like. Armed with a sharp-pointed stick, Master Tom discovers a new game for himself and a new way of teasing
- \Prononciation ?\ (Au pluriel) (Archaïsme) Variante de clothes. Ears so strong and pointed that they pierced through my Cloaths into my Flesh — (Jonathan
- life, which, according to Christ’s own direction, and his Apostles, is pointed out as best. A sort of people who endeavour to perform all that God has