« Programmation VBScript/Introduction » : différence entre les versions

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Bring Your Look Combined With Jewellery
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
The following tips will allow you to decide the best expensive jewelry purchases for you personally. We've basic this process by providing you information you should use about buying stunning precious jewelry. Buying jewelry will allow you to create a adornment assortment which enables a statement. Or it could be a amazing long lasting expenditure. The advise offered in this post should help you in the choice process.
'''VBScript''' ou '''VBS''' (Visual Basic Script) est un langage parsé par les interpréteurs supportant le '''WSH''' de microsoft.

A precious stone which has a fluorescence of light blue when subjected to an sun light, also called a dark gentle, means that the gemstone can look whiter within the daylight which could mask any yellow tints the gemstone may have. This really is valuable when selecting a diamond for the reason that diamond will appear much brighter, even though it has a reduced colour grade.
*Sur client : < script langage="VBScript" />
*Sur serveur : <% script langage="VBScript" %>

The size of your expensive jewelry pertaining to that of your body is extremely important in producing the right general stability and artistic. For example, if you have a petite construct, will not wear huge components of jewellery as they will not likely supplement your figure or put in your attire in the optimistic way.

In order to save money when purchasing precious jewelry, avoid the huge names. These jewelers pay out big dollars to advertise their labels and move that cost to the customer. You can often locate premium quality expensive jewelry that does not have the "large brand" connected to it for a small part of the price.
= Opérateurs =
{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| + || addition
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| - || soustraction
|- align=center
| * || multiplication
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| ^ || puissance
|- align=center
| / || division à float
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| \ || division entière
|- align=center
| mod || modulo - reste de la division entière
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| < || plus petit
|- align=center
| <= || plus petit ou égal
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| > || plus grand
|- align=center
|>= || plus grand ou égal
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| <> || différent
|- align=center
| not || non logique
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| and || et logique
|- align=center
| or || ou logique
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| xor || xor logique
|- align=center
| eqv || equivalence
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| imp || implication
|- align=center
| & || concaténation

A comparatively latest well-liked pattern is definitely the go up from the "feeling diamond ring" or other this kind of indicative jewelry, often made out of liquefied crystals that transform their shade responding to alterations in physique temp. They are rather well-known specifically amid kids and adolescents, and can complement many garments because of the shifting coloration.
== Déclarations ==

The ideas which were provided must improve your personal-self-confidence when it comes to jewellery acquiring and treatment. You now determine what factors to consider concerning expensive jewelry, and achieving the skills should also provide you with the potential to talk to any jeweler with certainty.
Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres langages, le '''vbs''' n'est pas sensible à la casse.
:src - source
:nm - nom
:var - variable
:expr - expression
:ins - instruction
:arg - argument
:cond - condition
* Déclaration
:'''option explicit''' - ''force déclaration de toutes variables dans scr''

:'''dim''' nm(src) - ''variable''

:'''redim''' [preserve] var(src)

:'''const''' nm=expr - ''constante''

* Procédure - ''execute instructions''
:'''sub''' nm(arg1,arg2,...)
::'''[exit sub]'''
:'''end sub'''

* Fonction - ''retourne une valeur en sortie à nm''
:'''function''' nm(arg1,arg2,...)
::'''[exit function]'''
:'''end function'''

* Get - ''comme fonction simple''
:'''property get''' nm(arg1,arg2,...) '''as''' [type]
:'''end property'''

* Let - ''comme fonction simple''
:'''property let''' nm(arg1,arg2,...)
:'''end property'''
* Set - comme fonction simple
:'''property set''' nm(arg1,arg2,...)
:'''end property'''
* Classe - ''retourne initialize || terminate''
:'''class ClassName'''
::Private Sub Class_Initialize()
::End Sub
::Private Sub Class_Terminate()
::End Sub
::Public Function NomMethode([arg])
::End Function
:'''end Class'''

'''nota''' : const/sub/function/property sont déclarables en [public [default] | private]
:ex 1
::public function nm(args) - pour toute la src
:ex 2
::sub nm(args)
:::private const=expr - ''n'est déclarée et n'est valable que dans la procédure''
::end sub</code>

== Instructions de contrôle ==

If cond Then [ins] Else [ins]
If cond1 Then
Elseif cond2 Then
Select Case expression
Case expr1
Case expr2
Case Else
End Select
For cpt = début To fin [Step pas]
[Exit For]
Next [cpt]
For Each élément In groupe
[Exit For]
Next élément
Do [{While | Until} condition]
[Exit Do]
[Exit Do]
Loop [{While | Until} condition]
While condition
With obj
End Width
Call nom [args]
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
Set objvar=[obj expr | New classname | Nothing ]
Set object.eventname=GetRef(procname)

= Fonctions =
== conversion et mise en forme ==
*CBool(expr) - ''conversion en variant booleen''
*CByte(expr) - ''conversion en variant byte''
*CCur(expr) - ''conversion en variant currency''
*CDate(expr) - ''conversion en variant date''
*CDbl(expr) - ''conversion en variant double''
*CInt(expr) - ''conversion en variant integer''
*CLng(expr) - ''conversion en variant long''
*CSng(expr) - ''conversion en variant single''
*CStr(expr) - ''conversion en variant string''
*FormatCurrency(expr,[NumDigitsAfterDecimal],[IncludeLeadingDigit],[UseParensForNegativeNumber],[GroupDigits]) - ''conversion formatée en variant currency''
*FormatDateTime(date,[NamedFormat]) - ''conversion formatée en variant date''
*FormatNumber(expr,[NumDigitsAfterDecimal],[IncludeLeadingDigit],[UseParensForNegativeNumber],[GroupDigits]) - ''conversion formatée en variant nombre''
*FormatPercent(expr,[NumDigitsAfterDecimal],[IncludeLeadingDigit],[UseParensForNegativeNumber],[GroupDigits]) - ''conversion formatée en variant percent''
*Hex(nbr) - ''conversion en variant hexadecimal''
*IsArray(expr) - ''renvoit booleen si tableau''
*IsDate(expr) - ''renvoit booleen si date''
*IsEmpty(expr) - ''renvoit booleen si vide''
*IsNull(expr) - ''renvoit booleen si null''
*IsNumeric(expr) - ''renvoit booleen si nbr''
*IsObject(identifier) - ''renvoit booleen si obj automation''
*Oct(nbr) - ''conversion en string octal''

== mathématiques ==
*Abs(nbr) - ''renvoie valeur absolue''
*Atn(nbr) - ''renvoie arc tangent''
*Cos(nbr) - ''renvoie cosinus''
*Exp(nbr) - ''renvoie la puissance''
*Int(nbr) - ''renvoie partie entière''
*Fix(nbr) - ''renvoie partie entière''
*Log(nbr) - ''renvoie log népérien''
*Sqr(nbr) - ''renvoie racine carrée''
*Tan(nbr) - ''renvoie tangente''
*Sgn(nbr) - ''renvoie signe''
*Randomize(nbr) - ''init nbr aleatoire !!les nombres ne sont pas aleatoire en vbs!!''
*Rnd(nbr) - ''renvoie nbr aleatoire''
*Round(expr,[numdecimalplaces]) - ''renvoie l'arrondi''
*Sin(nbr) - ''renvoie sinus''

== de traitement de chaînes ==
*Asc(string) - ''renvoie code ansi du 1er char''
*Chr(charcode) - ''renvoie le char du code ansi''
*inStr(start,string,string2,[compare]) - ''renvoie 1ère position d'un string dans un autre''
*InStrRev(delimiter) - ''renvoie position d'un string dans un autre en partant de fin''
*Join(string) - ''renvoie string joins partant d'un tableau''
*LCase(string) - ''conversion en minuscule''
*Left(string,length) - ''renvoie sous string partant de gauche''
*Len(string) - ''renvoie nbr de char dans string''
*LTrim(string) - ''renvoie string sans espace à gauche''
*Mid(string,start,[length]) - ''renvoie sous string partant de milieu''
*Replace(expr,find,replacement,[start],[count],[compare]) - ''remplace string dans string''
*Right(string,length) - ''renvoie sous string partant de droite''
*RTrim(string) - ''renvoie string sans espace à droite''
*StrComp(string1,string2,[compare]) - ''renvoie valeur de comparaison de string''
*String([nbr],[char]) - ''renvoie string de char repete''
*StrReverse(string) - ''renvoie string inverse''
*Space(nbr) - ''renvoie string de space''
*Trim(string) - ''renvoie string sans espace ni gauche ni droite''
*UCase(string) - ''renvoie string en majuscule''

== de date et d'heure ==
*Date() - ''renvoie date sys''
*DateAdd(interval,nbr,Date) - ''renvoie date + interval''
*DateDiff(interval,date1,date2,[firstdayofweek],[firstdayofyear]) - ''renvoie interval''
*DatePart(interval,Date,[firstdayofweek],[firstdayofyear]) - ''renvoie partie spécifiée''
*DateSerial(Year,Month,Date) - ''renvoie variant de type date''
*DateValue(Date) - ''renvoie variant de type date''
*Day(Date) - ''renvoie jour du mois''
*Hour(Time) - ''renvoie heure''
*Minute(Time) - ''renvoie minute'
*Month(Date) - ''renvoie mois en chiffre''
*MonthName(Month,[abbreviate]) - ''renvoie mois en lettre''
*Now() - ''renvoie date et heure sys''
*Second(Time) - ''renvoie seconde''
*Time() - ''renvoie heure sys''
*Timer() - ''renvoie nbre de sec depuis 00:00''
*TimeSerial(Hour,Minute,Second) - ''renvoit variant de type date''
*TimeValue(Time) - ''renvoit variant de type date''
*Weekday(Date,[fistdayofweek]) - ''renvoie jour semaine en chiffre''
*WeekdayName(Weekday,abbreviate,firstdayofweek) - ''renvoie jour semaine en lettre''
*Year(Date) - ''renvoie annee de date''

== liées aux tableaux ==

*Array(arg) - ''renvoie variant contenant tableau''
*Erase tableau - ''libère tableau''
*Filter(InputStrings,Value,[Include],[compare]) - ''renvoie tableau commençant par 0 contenant sous ensemble de string''
*LBound(arrayname,[dimension]) - ''renvoie plus petit indice tableau''
*Split(expr,[delimiter],[count],[compare]) - ''renvoie tableau commençant par 0 comprenant # de string''
*UBound(arrayname,[dimension]) - ''renvoie plus grand indice tableau''

== autres fonctions ==
*CreateObject(class) - ''renvoie ref à objet automation''
*Eval(string) - ''renvoie resultat''
*Execute ins - ''execute ins''
*ExecuteGlobal ins - ''execute ins globale''
*GetLocale() - ''renvoie valeur ID parametre regionnaux sys''
*GetObject([pathname],[class]) - ''renvoie ref à objet automation de fichier''
*GetRef(string) - ''renvoie ref à procedure''
*InputBox(prompt,[title],[default],[xpos],[ypos],[helpfile],[context]) - ''prompt''
*LoadPicture([stringexpr) - ''renvoie img''
*MsgBox(prompt,[buttons],[title],[helpfile],[context]) - ''msgbox''
*RGB(red,green,blue) - ''renvoie int rgb''
*ScriptEngine() - ''renvoie string de script utilisé''
*ScriptEngineBuildVersion() - ''renvoie N° version''
*ScriptEngineMajorVersion() - ''renvoie N° version principale''
*ScriptEngineMinorVersion() - ''renvoie N° version secondaire''
*SetLocate(Icid) - ''def param regionnaux globaux''
*TypeName(varname) - ''renvoit string d'info sur variant''
*VarType(varname) - ''renvoit valeur sous type de var''

= Objets =

*Err - ''infos relatives aux erreurs d'exec''

*RegExp - ''gestion des regular expr''

*Match - ''accès aux proprietes correspondant de regular expr''

*Matches - ''collection de match''

*SubMatches - ''collection de sous-match''

= Constantes =

== Chaînes de caractères ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
|- align=center
| vbCr || chr(13) || Retour chariot
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbCrlf || chr(13)+chr(10) || Retour chariot et saut de ligne
|- align=center
| vbFormFeed || chr(12) || Saut de page
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vblf || chr(10) || Saut de ligne
|- align=center
| vbNewline || chr(13)+chr(10) || Nouvelle ligne
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbNullChar || chr(0) || 0
|- align=center
| vbNullString || chaîne ayant val. 0 || chaine nulle
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbTab || chr(9) || tab horizontale
|- align=center
| vbVerticalTab || chr(11) || tab verticale

== Couleur ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbBlack || &h00 || Noir
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbRed || &hFF || Rouge
|- align=center
| vbGreen || &hFF00 || Vert
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbYellow || &hFFFF || Jaune
|- align=center
| vbBlue || &hFF0000 || Bleu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbMagenta || &hFF00FF || Magenta
|- align=center
| vbCyan || &hFFFF00 || Cyan
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbWhite || &hFFFFFF || Blanc

== Comparaison ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbBinaryCompare || 0 || Comparaison binaire
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbTextCompare || 1 || Comparaison texte

== Date et heure ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbSunday || 1 || Dimanche
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbMonday || 2 || Lundi
|- align=center
| vbTuesday || 3 || Mardi
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbWednesday || 4 || Mercredi
|- align=center
| vbThursday || 5 || Jeudi
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbFriday || 6 || Vendredi
|- align=center
| vbSaturday || 7 || Samedi
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbUseSystem || 0 || Format de date des param regionaux
|- align=center
| vbUseSystemDayOfWeek || 0 || Jour semaine des param regionaux
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbFirstJan1 || 1 || Utilise la semaine du 01 Janvier
|- align=center
| vbFisrtFourDays || 2 || Première semaine avec 4 jours dans nouvelle annee
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbFirstFullWeek || 3 || Utilise la premiere semaine complete de l'annee

== Format de date ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbGeneralDate || 0 || Date et heure
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbLongDate || 1 || Date complète
|- align=center
| vbShortDate || 2 || Date abrégée
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbLongTime || 3 || Heure complète
|- align=center
| vbShortTime || 4 || Heure abrégée

== MsgBox ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbOkOnly || 0 || ok
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbOkCancel || 1 || ok/cancel
|- align=center
| vbAbortRetryIgnore || 2 || abort/retry/ignore
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbYesNoCancel || 3 || yes/no/cancel
|- align=center
| vbYesNo || 4 || yes/no
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbRetryCancel || 5 || retry/cancel
|- align=center
| vbCritical || 16 || message critique
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbQuestion || 32 || demande avertissement
|- align=center
| vbExclamation || 48 || exclamation
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbInformation || 64 || information
|- align=center
| vbDefaultButton1 || 0 || bouton1
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbDefaultButton2 || 256 || bouton2
|- align=center
| vbDefaultButton3 || 542 || bouton3
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbDefaultButton4 || 768 || bouton4
|- align=center
| vbApplicationModal || 0 || boite modale pour l'app
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbSystemModal || 4096 || boite modale pour le sys

== VarType ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbEmpty || 0 || non init (defaut)
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbNull || 1 || pas de data
|- align=center
| vbInteger || 2 || sous-type integer
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbLong || 3 || sous-type long
|- align=center
| vbSingle || 4 || sous-type single
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbDouble || 5 || sous-type double
|- align=center
| vbCurrency || 6 || sous-type currency
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbDate || 7 || sous-type date
|- align=center
| vbString || 8 || sous-type string
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbObject || 9 || objet
|- align=center
| vbError || 10 || sous-type error
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbBoolean || 11 || sous-type booleen
|- align=center
| vbVariant || 12 || variant pour tableau variant
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbDataObject || 13 || objet d'acces aux donnees
|- align=center
| vbDecimal || 14 || sous-type decimal
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbByte || 17 || sous-type byte
|- align=center
| vbArray || 8192 || tableau

== Autre constantes ==
{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center
| vbObjectError || -2147221504 || num d'erreur doivent etre superieur
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbUseDefault || -2 || utiliser valeur par defaut des params
|- align=center
| vbTrue || -1 || true
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| vbFalse || 0 || false

= Codes d'erreur =
Il y a deux types d'erreurs :
== Execution ==
{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
|- align=center
| 5 || appel de procedure incorrect
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 6 || depassement de capacite
|- align=center
| 7 || memoire insuffisante
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 9 || indice hors plage
|- align=center
| 10 || tableau fixe ou verrouille
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 11 || division par zero
|- align=center
| 13 || type incompatible
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 14 || espace de chaine insuffisant
|- align=center
| 17 || operation impossible
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 28 || espace pile insuffisant
|- align=center
| 35 || sub non definie
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 48 || erreur chargement de dll
|- align=center
| 51 || erreur interne
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 91 || var d'objet non definie
|- align=center
| 92 || boucle non init
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 94 || utilisation incorrecte de null
|- align=center
| 424 || objet requis
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 429 || activex ne peut pas creer l'objet
|- align=center
| 430 || classe ne gere pas automation
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 432 || fichier ou classe introuvable
|- align=center
| 438 || methode ou propriete non gere
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 445 || objet ne gere pas action
|- align=center
| 447 || objet ne gere pas les param
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 448 || arg introuvable
|- align=center
| 449 || arg obligatoire
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 450 || nbre arg ou propriete incorrecte
|- align=center
| 451 || objet n'est pas une collection
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 458 || type automation non gere
|- align=center
| 462 || machine distante indisponnible
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 481 || image incorrecte
|- align=center
| 500 || variable indefinie
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 502 || objet non securise pour script
|- align=center
| 503 || objet non securise pour init
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 504 || objet non securise pour creation
|- align=center
| 505 || reference incorrecte ou non qualifiee
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 506 || classe non definie
|- align=center
| 507 || exception
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 5008 || affectation illegale
|- align=center
| 5017 || Erreur syntaxique dans ER
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 5018 || quantifiant innatendu
|- align=center
| 5019 || ']' attendu dans ER
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 5020 || ')' attendu dans ER
|- align=center
| 5021 || jeu de char incorrect

== Syntaxe ==

{| border="0" style="border: 0px solid #999; background-color:#FFFFFF"
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
|- align=center
| 1052 || trop de methodes et proprietes
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1044 || parentheses interdites
|- align=center
| 1053 || classe sans arg
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1058 || 'default' que dans get
|- align=center
| 1057 || 'default' + 'public'
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1005 || '(' attendu
|- align=center
| 1006 || ')' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1011 || '=' attendu
|- align=center
| 1021 || 'case' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1047 || 'class' attendu
|- align=center
| 1025 || fin ins attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1014 || 'end' attendu
|- align=center
| 1023 || expr attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1015 || 'function' attendu
|- align=center
| 1010 || identificateur attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1012 || 'lf' attendu
|- align=center
| 1046 || 'ln' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1026 || constante (int) attendu
|- align=center
| 1049 || let, get, set attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1045 || constante (string) attendu
|- align=center
| 1019 || 'loop' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1020 || 'next' attendu
|- align=center
| 1050 || 'property' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1022 || 'select' attendu
|- align=center
| 1024 || ins attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1016 || 'sub' attendu
|- align=center
| 1017 || 'then' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1013 || 'to' attendu
|- align=center
| 1018 || 'wend' attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1027 || 'while' 'until' attendu
|- align=center
| 1028 || 'while' 'until' ou fin ins attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1029 || 'with' attendu
|- align=center
| 1030 || identificateur trop long
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1014 || char incorrect
|- align=center
| 1039 || 'exit' incorrect
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1040 || variable de ctrl de 'for' incorrecte
|- align=center
| 1013 || nbre incorrect
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1037 || utilisation incorrecte de 'me'
|- align=center
| 1038 || 'loop' sans 'do'
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1048 || doit etre defini dans classe
|- align=center
| 1042 || doit premiere ins de ligne
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1041 || nom redefini
|- align=center
| 1051 || nombre arg inegal
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1001 || memoire insuffisante
|- align=center
| 1054 || arg manquant dans let ou set
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1002 || erreur sythaxe
|- align=center
| 1055 || next attendu
|- align=center bgcolor="#EFEFEF"
| 1015 || constante de chaine non terminee

Initiation au VBScript par l'exemple
* [[Application VBS]]
* [[Programmation PowerShell]]

* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/vtoriVBScript.asp
* http://www.commentcamarche.net/vbscript/vbsintro.php3
* http://www.vbfrance.com/
* http://www.lehtml.com/vb/


[[Catégorie:Langages de programmation]]

[[en:Visual Basic]]

Version du 8 juin 2012 à 19:09

The following tips will allow you to decide the best expensive jewelry purchases for you personally. We've basic this process by providing you information you should use about buying stunning precious jewelry. Buying jewelry will allow you to create a adornment assortment which enables a statement. Or it could be a amazing long lasting expenditure. The advise offered in this post should help you in the choice process.

A precious stone which has a fluorescence of light blue when subjected to an sun light, also called a dark gentle, means that the gemstone can look whiter within the daylight which could mask any yellow tints the gemstone may have. This really is valuable when selecting a diamond for the reason that diamond will appear much brighter, even though it has a reduced colour grade.

The size of your expensive jewelry pertaining to that of your body is extremely important in producing the right general stability and artistic. For example, if you have a petite construct, will not wear huge components of jewellery as they will not likely supplement your figure or put in your attire in the optimistic way.

In order to save money when purchasing precious jewelry, avoid the huge names. These jewelers pay out big dollars to advertise their labels and move that cost to the customer. You can often locate premium quality expensive jewelry that does not have the "large brand" connected to it for a small part of the price.

A comparatively latest well-liked pattern is definitely the go up from the "feeling diamond ring" or other this kind of indicative jewelry, often made out of liquefied crystals that transform their shade responding to alterations in physique temp. They are rather well-known specifically amid kids and adolescents, and can complement many garments because of the shifting coloration.

The ideas which were provided must improve your personal-self-confidence when it comes to jewellery acquiring and treatment. You now determine what factors to consider concerning expensive jewelry, and achieving the skills should also provide you with the potential to talk to any jeweler with certainty.