Programmation Visual Basic .NET/Fonctions VB6 en .NET
(Redirigé depuis Visual Basic .NET/Fonctions VB6 en .NET)
Cette table de conversion compare Visual Basic 6 à Visual Basic .NET (sachant que ce dernier accepte aussi les fonctions VB6 via Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace).
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Visual Basic 6 | .NET Equivalent |
App.Path | Application.StartupPath |
CallByName | Type Object.InvokeMember |
Circle | Graphics Object.DrawEllipse |
Collection | Collections.Hashtable, Collections.Dictionary |
Command | Environment.GetCommandLineArgs |
DoEvents | Application.DoEvents |
Environ | Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable |
Err | Deprecated - Use Exception object and Try ... Catch ... End Try statement |
Error | Exception Object.Message |
GetSetting | Deprecated - Look into Configuration.ConfigurationSettings |
IIf | Deprecated |
InputBox | Deprecated - Make your own form |
Len | Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf |
MsgBox | MessageBox.Show |
RGB | Color Object.FromArgb |
SavePicture | Image Object.Save |
SaveSetting | Deprecated - Look into Configuration.ConfigurationSettings |
SendKeys | SendKeys.Send |
Shell | Process.Start |
Switch | Deprecated |
TypeName | Any Object.GetType.ToString |
Unload | Deprecated |
VarType | Any Object.GetType |
Chaines de caractères
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Fichiers et répertoires
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Visual Basic 6 | .NET Equivalent |
ChDir | IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory |
CurDir | IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory |
Dir | IO.Directory.GetFiles, IO.Directory.GetDirectories, IO.Directory.Exists, IO.File.Exists |
EOF | IO.StreamReader.Peek = -1 |
FileAttr | Deprecated - Use StreamReader or StreamWriter |
FileCopy | IO.File.Copy |
FileDateTime | IO.File.GetLastAccessTime, IO.File.GetCreationTime |
FileLen | IO.FileStream Object.Length |
GetAttr | IO.File.GetAttributes |
Loc | IO.Stream Object.Position |
LOF | IO.Stream Object.Length |
MkDir | IO.Directory.CreateDirectory |
RmDir | IO.Directory.Delete |
SetAttr | IO.File.SetAttributes |
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Visual Basic 6 | .NET Equivalent |
Filter | Array.BinarySearch |
UBound | Any Type of Array.GetUpperBound(0) |
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Visual Basic 6 | .NET Equivalent |
DateAdd | Date Object.Add |
DateDiff | Date Object.Subtract |
Now | DateTime.Now |
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Visual Basic 6 | .NET Equivalent |
Abs | Math.Abs |
Atn | Math.Atan |
Cos | Math.Cos |
Exp | Math.Exp |
Fix | Math.Floor (for negative numbers), Math.Ceiling (for positive numbers) |
Int | Math.Floor |
Log | Math.Log |
Randomize | Deprecated - Random Object is automatically randomized declared |
Rnd | System.Random Object.Next |
Round | Math.Round |
Sgn | Math.Sign |
Sin | Math.Sin |
Sqr | Math.Sqrt |
Tan | Math.Tan |