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Enseignement de l'anglais/le discours indirect

Un livre de Wikilivres.

On emploie le discours indirect pour rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un. Il faut adapter les repères du discours direct.

Concordance des temps

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Discours direct Discours indirect
Présent Prétérit
  • "I hate driving," she said.
  • "I am watching TV," he said.
  • She said that she hated driving.
  • He said he was watching TV.
Prétérit Past Perfect
  • "Tom went back to the USA," they told her.
  • They told her that Tom had gone back to the USA.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
  • "I've never liked poetry," his father claimed.
  • His father claimed that he had never liked poetry.
Impératif to + verbe
  • "Don't play with your food," their mum told them.
  • Their mum told them not to play with their food.
Futur would
  • "I'll do it tomorrow," I said.
  • I said I would do it the next day.
Can could
  • "I can do it myself," he claimed.
  • He claimed he could do it himself.
must had to ou must
  • "We must do it ourselves," they said.
  • They said they must / had to do it themselves.
should should
  • "You should not smoke," I advised him.
  • I advised him that he shouldn't smoke.

Pronoms, déterminants, adverbes

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Comme en français, les déterminants, adverbes et pronoms ne sont pas les mêmes au discours direct et au discours indirect.

Adverbes de temps

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Discours direct Discours indirect
yesterday the day before
today that day
tomorrow the following day
last week/month/year the week/month/year before
next week/month/year the following week/month/year
three days ago three days before
Discours direct Discours indirect
"I like my house," she said. She said she liked her house.
"I visited this town." He said he had visited the town.

Verbes introducteurs

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Les verbes introducteurs sont employés au prétérit.

to add to advise to admit to answer to apologize to ask to beg to declare to explain
ajouter demander conseil admettre répondre s'excuser demander supplier déclarer expliquer
to insist to invite to suggest
insister inviter suggérer


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Dans les interrogatives au discours indirect il n'y a pas d'inversion du sujet et du verbe, on n'emploie pas l'auxillaire do.
Exemple : He asked me where I had slept. Il me demanda où j'avais dormi.
I wonder if I must eat. Je me demande si je dois manger.


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