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- [viande] saignant(e), peu cuit(e) rarely (adv.) : rarement rarely seen (ac) : comme on en voit peu, rarissime - rarely seen photo : photo rarissime rarity...129 kio (18 661 mots) - 20 octobre 2024 à 08:59
- fonctionnement, grippage, blocage seldom (adv.) : rarement, peu souvent (syn. rarely) select (v) (tr.) : 1/ choisir ; 2/ (Inf.) sélectionner (du texte) - to...274 kio (40 191 mots) - 20 octobre 2024 à 09:12
- Hobbyist. I am an Incubator administrator and bureaucrat since 2011. While I rarely edit here, I work behind the scenes for the future of this wiki, implementing...2 kio (129 542 mots) - 20 août 2024 à 08:39
- 463-481 « Harvard's professional schools... won world prestige of a sort rarely seen among social institutions. [...] Harvard's age, wealth, quality, and
- but hazel eyes and brown hair are not very uncommon ; grey eyes and red hair are occasionally seen, though rarely, and sometimes the light blue or red