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Enseignement de l'anglais/Exercices Since For

Un livre de Wikilivres.

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Exercice 1


Complétez avec since ou for :

  1. ______ a week
  2. ______ last week
  3. ______ two hours
  4. ______ two o'clock
  5. ______ 1980
  6. ______ three years
  7. ______ this morning


  1. for a week
  2. since last week
  3. for two hours
  4. since two o'clock
  5. since 1980
  6. for three years
  7. since this morning

Exercice 2


Transformez les expressions suivantes (exemple : since January (It's July) = for six months):

  1. for one hour (it's three o'clock) = ___
  2. since 2002 (it's 2006) = ___
  3. for three days (it's Sunday) = ___
  4. for twenty years (it's 2007) = ___


  1. for one hour (it's three o'clock) = since two o'clock
  2. since 2002 = for four years (it's 2006)
  3. for three days (it's sunday) = since thursday
  4. for twenty years = since 1987

Exercice 3


Complétez avec since ou for :

  1. I've had this job __ two months.
  2. It's been raining __ four days.
  3. She has lived here __ November.
  4. When they arrived, he had been waiting __ twenty minutes.
  5. You have known her __ Tuesday.


  1. I've had this job for two months.
  2. It's been raining for four days.
  3. She has lived here since November.
  4. When they arrived, he had been waiting for twenty minutes.
  5. You have known her since Tuesday.

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