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Enseignement de l'anglais/Proposition infinitive exercices

Un livre de Wikilivres.

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Choisissez la forme appropriée pour une proposition infinitive :
I want ... the piano.

  1. she learns
  2. that she learnt
  3. I want her to learn the piano

He persuaded .... so early.

  1. I don't eat
  2. me not to eat
  3. me don't eat

Formez des phrases avec les éléments proposés :

  1. would like / you / to / I / me / help
  2. them / to / be / she / late / hates
  3. sleep / she / waits for / to / him
  4. want / I / them / understand / to / me

Traduisez les phrases suivantes :

  1. Dis à ton frère de s'asseoir.
  2. J'aimerais que tu achètes cette jupe.
  3. Ils lui conseillent de faire du sport.
  4. Elle nous dit de ne pas être intolérant.

I want her to learn the piano.
He persuaded me not to eat so early.

  1. I would like you to help me.
  2. She hates them to be late.
  3. She waits for him to sleep.
  4. I want them to understand me.
  1. Tell your brother to sit down.
  2. I'd like you to buy this skirt.
  3. They advise him to do sport.
  4. She tells us not to be intolerant.

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