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Enseignement de l'indonésien/Leçons/Nombres

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0.01 Pourquoi apprendre l'indonésien ?
0.02 Apprentissage de l'indonésien
0.03 L'alphabet
0.04 Pronunciation
0.05 Salutations
0.06 Discours formel
0.07 Comment ça va?
0.08 Les Nombres
0.09 Dates
0.10 Dire l'heure
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^ Enseignement de l'indonésien ^ |  << Leçon 4: Phrases Simples   | Leçon 5: Nombres | Leçon 6: Prépositions >>

Angka Nominal (Nominals)

[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
0 = nol
1 = satu 11 = sebelas 21 = dua puluh satu 101 = seratus satu
2 = dua 12 = dua belas 22 = dua puluh dua 200 = dua ratus
3 = tiga 13 = tiga belas 30 = tiga puluh 300 = tiga ratus
4 = empat 14 = empat belas 40 = empat puluh 400 = empat ratus
5 = lima 15 = lima belas 50 = lima puluh 500 = lima ratus
6 = enam 16 = enam belas 60 = enam puluh 600 = enam ratus
7 = tujuh 17 = tujuh belas 70 = tujuh puluh 700 = tujuh ratus
8 = delapan 18 = delapan belas 80 = delapan puluh 800 = delapan ratus
9 = sembilan 19 = sembilan belas 90 = sembilan puluh 900 = sembilan ratus
10 = sepuluh 20 = dua puluh 100 = seratus 1000 = seribu

Contoh (Examples):

  • 67 = enam puluh tujuh
  • 111 = seratus sebelas
  • 2743 = dua ribu tujuh ratus empat puluh tiga
  • 8015 = delapan ribu lima belas
  • 17432 = tujuh belas ribu empat ratus tiga puluh dua
  • 408305 = empat ratus delapan ribu tiga ratus lima

Urutan (Series)

[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
  • 1st = pertama
  • 2nd = kedua (or ke-2)
  • 3rd = ketiga (or ke-3)
  • 4th = keempat (or ke-4)
  • 5th = kelima (or ke-5)
  • 10th = kesepuluh (or ke-10)
  • 11th = kesebelas (or ke-11)
  • 21st = kedua puluh satu (or ke-21)

As you see, in order to form series, you only need to attach a prefix (ke-), then the number itself. Other than the first, we can write the number directly (like the ones in parentheses) instead of spelling them out in words. Nevertheless, author can opt for either forms.

Berapa (How much)

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To ask about quantities, we use the word "berapa". For example: "Berapa harga X" is to ask how much X cost.

Contoh (Examples):

  • Q: Berapa harga buku ini? (= How much does this book cost?)
  • A: Lima dolar. (= Five dollars)

The word "berapa" can directly replace the quantity in question. However, you must put a measure word right after it.

Contoh (Examples):

  • Q: Kamu punya berapa buah pensil? (= How many pencils do you have?)
  • A: Empat. (= Four)

The most common measure word is "buah", which indicates quantity. Coincidentally, this word can also mean fruit (i.e. apples, oranges, etc). Other most common measure word is "ekor" (for animals; ekor = tail) and "orang" (for person, orang = person). Look the example below on how to use the measure word:

Contoh (Examples):

  • Q: Berapa buah pensil kamu punya? (= How many pencils do you have?)
  • A: Empat. (= Four)
  • Q: Berapa buah apel kamu punya? (= How many apples do you have?)
  • A: Tiga. (= Three)

Contoh Lain (Other Examples)

[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
  • Saya punya dua buah buku. (= I have two books)
  • Saya punya dua buah buku merah. (= I have two red books)
  • Saya tidak punya dua buah buku merah. (= I don't have two red books)

Penulisan Angka Lebih Dari Seribu (Spelling number more than a thousand)

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In english, to make the number readable, we used to add a coma every three digits. For example, One million and two hundred and fifty-five thousands and three hundred and sixty-four can be written as 1,255,364. However in Indonesian, we insert a dot instead of coma. Hence the same number (Indonesia: Satu juta dua ratus lima puluh lima ribu tiga ratus enam puluh empat) should be written as 1.255.364

  • Indonesian Numbers - Spells numbers in Indonesian and some other languages spoken in Indonesia.

^ Enseignement de l'indonésien ^ |  << Leçon 4: Phrases Simples   | Leçon 5: Nombres | Leçon 6: Prépositions >>
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