Photographie/Personnalités/C/Marjory Collins
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■ préface - SOMMAIRE COMPLET ■ notions fondamentales et conseils pour les débutants ■ aspects esthétiques, thèmes photographiques ■ références scientifiques ■ photométrie, colorimétrie, optique ■ appareils, objectifs, éclairage, accessoires, entretien ■ procédés chimiques ■ procédés numériques ■ caractéristiques physiques des images, densité, netteté ■ compléments techniques et pratiques ■ photographie et vie sociale, histoire, enseignement,institutions, droit... |

Marjory Collins (1912 – 1985) était une photojournaliste états-unienne, connue pour ses photographies du front intérieur durant la 2e guerre mondiale.
[modifier | modifier le wikicode]Marjory Collins était la fille de l'écrivain Frederick Lewis Collins, elle grandit à Scarsdale, dans la ville de New-York. Entre 1935 et 1940, elle étudia de façon informelle avec Ralph Steiner. Son travail en tant que photographe documentaire fut accepté par des agences importantes. Sa contribution au livre U.S. Camera and Travel publié par Hoboken lui valut une invitation à participer au service diplomatique du United States Office of War Information (bureau des informations de guerre). Dans ce cadre, elle a assuré environ 50 missions pour montrer le mode de vie états-unien et le soutien de la population à l'effort de guerre. Conformément au nouvel engouement pour le multiculturalisme, elle a contribué à la couverture photographique des Afro-américains aussi bien que des citoyens d'origine tchèque, allemande, italienne et juive.
En 1944, Collins a travaillé en indépendante pour une entreprise de construction dans l'Alaska avant de voyager en Afrique et en Europe pour des missions gouvernementales et commerciales. Ensuite elle a travaillé principalement comme un éditrice et rédactrice à propos des droits civiques, de la Guerre du Viêt Nam et des mouvements féministes. Dans les années 1960, elle a édité le American Journal of Public Health (Journal américain de Santé publique). Dans les années 1980, elle s'est installée à San Francisco où elle a obtenu une maîtrise en Études américaines à l'Université Antioche de San Francisco. Elle est morte en 1985 à l'âge de 73 ans.
Galerie de photographies
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Tony, shoeshiner in Vincent's barber shop on West Eighth Street
Tony, shoeshiner in Vincent's barber shop
Raymond Fazio and his family receive a belated Christmas package
Newsstand at Forty-second Street and Sixth Avenue with newspapers from all nations
Judge J. Roland Sala, appointed to the felony court in Brooklyn
Judge J. Roland Sala, appointed to the felony court in Brooklyn
Judge J. Roland Sala, appointed to the felony court in Brooklyn
Italian-Americans in fourth grade at Public School Eight
Italian-Americans in fourth grade at Public School Eight
Italian-American garment worker in the N.M. dress shop
Girolamo Valente, editor of the Italian liberal weekly newspaper
Girolamo Valente, editor of the Italian liberal weekly newspaper
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Class in citizenship and English for Italians
Barber in Vincent's barber shop on West Eighth Street
American boys at the Sullivan Street depot separating scrap
Turkish nightclub on Allen Street
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The Di Costanzo family, owners of a restaurant on Mulberry Street
The Di Costanzo family, owners of a restaurant on Mulberry Street
The Di Costanzo family, owners of a restaurant on Mulberry Street
Sunday dinner in the Martinetti home
Sunday dinner in the Martinetti home
Mrs. Frank Romano putting her baby to bed
Mrs. Frank Romano and her month-old baby
Mrs. Frank Romano and her month-old baby
Mrs. Frank Romano and her month-old baby
Mrs. Frank Romano putting her baby to bed
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Romano feeding their baby
Habitues of a Turkish nightclub on Allen Street drinking beer
Children waiting in line to buy defense stamps at public school
Children waiting in line to buy defense stamps at public school
Benny Romano, age one month
Benny Romano, age one month
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
R. H. Macy and Company department store
R. H. Macy and Company department store
R. H. Macy and Company department store
R. H. Macy and Company department store
R. H. Macy and Company department store
R. H. Macy and Company department store
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The War Emergency Board of the fur industry formed a fur vest project
The Di Costanzo family, owners of a restaurant on Mulberry Street
The Di Costanzo family, owners of a restaurant on Mulberry Street
Mrs. Marianna Costanzo in the living room of her apartment on Waverly Place
Mrs. Marianna Costanzo in the living room of her apartment on Waverly Place
Merchant seamen who have won boots-full of candy at the Christmas party
Merchant seaman who has won a boot-full of candy at the Christmas party
Mrs. Marianna Castorella came to America from Italy forty-odd years ago
The Animal Trap Company of America now makes bullets
Thanksgiving dinner at the house of Earle Landis
Ralph Miller has guarded the Lititz water works for sixteen years
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Landis turn over their Thanksgiving turkey
Lititz Borough Council in session. Secretary of the borough
Lititz Borough Council in session. Pictures on back wall are local heroes of the first world war
Gauge inspectors at the Animal Trap Company
Women gauge inspectors at the Animal Trap Company
Tracks of the Lanaster-Reading Railroad
The Moravian sewing circle quilts for anyone
Thanksgiving guests at the house of Earle Landis
Thanksgiving guests at the home of Earle Landis took a walk
Saying grace before carving the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner
Slowking4Raymond Runk, fire captain, lecturing volunteer fire watchers
Ralph Miller has guarded the Lititz waterworks for sixteen years
Mrs. Earle Landis taking Thanksgiving pies from the oven
Mr. Pennepacker, one of seven barbers in town
Mr. Pennepacker, one of seven barbers in town
Local photographer, the son of the general store owner
Lititz Borough Council in session
Josephine Young gauge inspecting bullets
Hands of Mrs. Julian Bachman, a gauge inspector
Earle Landis' mother and father had a wedding anniversary
Earle Landis freezing ice cream on the back porch
Earle Landis freezing ice cream on the back porch
Bullets made at Animal Trap Company of America
Animal Trap Company of America, now making bullets
The Lititz Service Association is made up of volunteers
Slowking4The Lititz Service Association is made up of volunteers
Sign in the hall of the Moravian Sunday school
Public card party held in the firehouse to raise money
Public card party held in the firehouse to raise money
Paul Ritz serving his two hours per week as an airplane spotter
Mrs. Viola Marvel in her apartment
Mrs. Viola Marvel in her apartment
Mrs. Viola Marvel in her apartment
Mrs. Julian Bachman, twenty-three
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lutz, unmarried son Henry, and granddaughter Roberta Jean
Junior choir performance in the Moravian Sunday school
Junior choir performance in the Moravian Sunday school
Farmers' National Bank at noon on Friday
Emma Dougherty who does a man's work for a man's pay
Ellis Spickler working at the Animal Trap Company
Elizabeth Almoney who works as a gauge tester
Draft Board Number 5
Claude Buchter (left), foreman in the machine screw department
Benny Lutz conducting trumpet players
Volunteer fire watchers, sitting on the fire engines
Tire registration took place in the school library
Tire registration took place in the library of the schoolhouse
This man is a German refugee who was a machine-gunner
Sign in the hall of a Moravian Sunday school
Raymond Runk, accountant at the Animal Trap Company
Postmaster Robert Pautz selling a war bond
Postmaster Robert Pautz chatting with two friends
People leaving the Moravian Church on Sunday
Paul Ritz serving his two hours per week
Mrs. Viola Marvel and her daughter work side by side
Mrs. Julian Bachman, twenty-three, has been married a year
Mrs. Julian Bachman at home with her family
Moravian minister the Reverend Kortz and banker and church official A.L. Douple
Lititz, Pennsylvania. Moravian church
Emma Dougherty, who does a man's work for a man's pay
Emma Dougherty, thirty-five, does a man's job
Elizabeth Almoney, who has three sons and three brothers
Chester W. Woolworth, president of the Animal Trap Company
Bertram Shaw, blind, has been recently hired at the Animal Trap Company
Shoe store on main street in the early morning
Shoe store on main street in the early morning
Mrs. R.W. Elizabeth Almoney, forty-seven, has had eleven children
Mrs. R.W. Elizabeth Almoney in her living room, with pictures of her relatives in the service
Moravian Sunday school
Montour no. 4 mine of the Pittsburgh Coal Company
Mennonite farmer's wife and her son husking corn
Lititz Rotary Club dinner
Harvey Duke, an able machinist Animal Trap Company last year
Draft Board Number 5, which takes care of Lititz cases along with neighboring towns
The Almoney family playing cards
Raymond Newswanger works a lathe in the Animal Trap Company
Postmaster Robert Pautz chatting with two friends in the post office
Ellis Spickler has been working at the Animal Trap Company
Ellis Spickler has been working at the Animal Trap Company since 1909
Elizabeth Almoney, who has three sons and three brothers in the service
Elizabeth Almoney, who has three sons and three brothers in the service
Elizabeth Almoney, who has three sons and three brothers in the service
Birthday party in a Moravian Sunday school
Bertram Shaw, blind, has recently been hired at the Animal Trap Company
Walter Miller, superintendent of Lititz water works
Signs on the road from Lancaster leading into Lititz, Pennsylvania
Signs on the road from Lancaster leading into Lititz, Pennsylvania
Sign on the road between Lititz and Manheim, Pennsylvania
Offices of Mr. Elam Habecker Walter Miller
Mrs. Morris Kreider selling one of the few remaining aluminum roasters to Dr. Posey
Morris Kreider, owner of a hardware store and machine shop
Farm in early morning
Elam Habecker, arrives at his office at 7.15 to read the paper
Elam Habecker arrives at his office at 7.15 a.m. to read news
These are the last aluminum and enamel ware utensils Morris Kreider's hardware store
Offices of Mr. Elam Habecker and Secretary of Lititz borough. Walter Miller
Mrs. Morris Kreider selling one of the few remaining aluminum roasters to Dr. Posey
Mennonites at the farmers' market
Mennonite farmer's wife dressmaking
Mennonite farmer's wife dressmaking
Mennonite farmer and wife selling fowl at the farmer's market
Machine shop back of Morris Kreider's hardware store
Farmers' market
Farmers' market. Many of the farmers are Mennonites
William N. Young, owner and publisher of the Lititz Record-express
Trays of pretzels at the Lititz Spring Pretzel Company
The showroom of the Pierson Motor Company
State American Legion official making a patriotic speech
School children singing at the Armistice Day rally
Robert E. Haines, twenty, has been helping his father out in his pretzel factory
Robert E. Haines, twenty, has been helping his father out
Press room of the Lititz Record-express
Parking lot. Mural painting at left
Owner of the Pierson Motor Company, who has lost his business of selling cars
Most copies of the Lititz Record-express are mailed to subscribers
Lititz Springs Pretzel Company, owned by Lewis C. Haines
Lititz Springs Pretzel Company, owned by Lewis C. Haines
Lititz Springs Pretzel Company, owned by Lewis C. Haines
High School band playing patriotic numbers at the Armistice Day meeting
Cutting and folding machine in the Lititz Record-express office
Audience at the Armistice Day rally
Audience at the Armistice Day rally
Armistice Day gathering in Lilitz. Audience bows its heads
A corner of the Lititz Record-express office
William N. Young, publisher of the Record-express, is also its reporter and advertising man
William N. Young, publisher of the Record-express, is also its reporter and advertising man
Underwear labels, hunting signs, high school and Womens' Christian Temperance Union newspapers
Tire on a car in a parking lot is marked with name of its owner to deter thieves
Sixth grade class in current events in the Lititz Borough Public School
Press room of the Lititz Record-express printing company
Peanuts are scarce since the war started
Peanut stand next to the Lutz butcher shop finds it hard to get peanuts
Parking lot in the rain
Mr. M.C. Demmy, Principal of the Lititz Borough School, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce
Most copies of the Lititz Record-express are mailed to subscribers
Lutheran church at Kissel Hill
Load of fodder being carried from the field to a barn
Last scrap collection drive before spring
Irwin R. Steffy having his car gone over in the Pierson Motor Company garage
Irwin R. Steffy having his car gone over in the Pierson Motor Company garage
Honor roll in the hall of the Lititz Borough Public School
High school boys, aged sixteen and seventeen, nearing graduation and the Army
Gathering fodder on farm
A furniture dealer, who is chairman of the salvage committee
Trees in the wind
This town of 4000-odd inhabitants, has two weekly papers, the oldest of which is the Record-express
This town of 400-odd inhabitants, has two weekly papers, the oldest of which is the Record-express
The Lancaster to Lititz road as it enters Lititz
Sixth grade class in current events in the Lititz Borough Public School
Showroom of the Pierson Motor Company owned by Al Pierson
Press room of the Lititz Record-express
Pennsylvania. Farm road
Mrs. Julian Bachman shopping
Main street on Armistice Day
Loading fodder on a farm
Lititz, Pennsylvania. Central Square
Last scrap collection drive before spring
Honor roll in the hall of the Lititz Borough Public School
Gathering fodder
Fountain at Central Square where Main and Broad Street meet
Butcher shop of Benjamin Lutz
Benjamin Lutz, butcher, who also writes both hymns and patriotic songs
Autumn leaves.
A street on Armistice Day
Gathering fodder
Farm road after rain
Woman at her back gate
Woman at her back gate
Sample hybrid corn exhibited at the side of a road
Newsman at Center Square on a rainy market day
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Comany dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Church on Main Street
Central market
Central market
Boarding buses on a rainy market day
A farmer who rides into town every day in a buggy to work
Mural painting in a parking lot
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Parking lot
Fodder stacked in a field
Farmer in town to shop
Farm bureau hybrid corn test field
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Everyone was asked to dump his scrap in a vacant lot at the center of town
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Autumn leaves on a farm road
A farmer who rides into town every day in a buggy
A farmer who rides into town every day in a buggy
Mrs. Hurley, with Mrs. Nash, Australia-New Zealand Army Corps
Mrs. Hurley, Mrs. Close, Mrs. Nash, Bundles for Britain
Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Nash, Bundles for Britain headquarters
Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Nash, Australia-New Zealand Army Corps
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Colonel A.I. Ennis, chief of United States Army Air Corps Office of Public Relations
Manheim, Lancaster County, scrap in a vacant
Manheim, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Main street
Manheim, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Main street
Manheim, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Main street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Mural painting on wall of a paking space
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Guardian of the community scrap pile
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Entrance to dance given in Moose Hall
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Bags in the community scrap heap
Company dance given in Moose Hall by employees of the Hamilton Watch Company
Talking to a parrot in the patio of the Pan-American Union
Students on the steps of the Supreme Court building
Students listening in on a hearing of the Naval Affairs Committee
Students listening in on a hearing of the Naval Affairs Committee
Students in the patio of the Pan-American Union
Students in the patio of the Pan-American Union
Students in the hallway of the Library of Congress
Students examining books in the Library of Congress
Pan-American party at American University
Mrs. Roosevelt apologizes to students for the disarray of the White House rooms which are being prepared for air raids
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
Four students working on the preliminary sketches of a mural
Examining maps and catalogues on the steps of the National Art Gallery
Examining maps and catalogues on the steps of the National Art Gallery
Examining a relief map at the Pan-American Union
Congressman Tom Eliot of Massachusetts chatting with a delegate from his state
Bundles for Britain on Connecticut Avenue. Mrs. Close
Students witness a hearing of the Naval Affairs Committee. Senator Walsh, chairman, can be seen in the background
Students on their way to visit the Capitol
Students on the Capitol steps
Students coming down from the Supreme Court steps
Students at a motion picture on the United States Coast Guard at the United States Maritime Commission
Pan-American party at the American University
On the way up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial. The Washington Monument is in the background
On the Capitol steps
On the Capitol steps
On the Capitol steps
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
High school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
Examining maps and catalogues on the steps of the National Art Gallery
Examining a relief map at the Pan-American Union
Examining a relief map at the Pan-American Union
At the White House, Mrs. Roosevelt was presented with a bouquet by one of the students
At the Lincoln Memorial
At the Lincoln Memorial
Adolph Berle addressing students at the Pan-American Union
200 high school students chosen for their intellectual alertness visited Washington for a week
The glee club from a Washington high school entertains the group at a dance given for them at the American University
Students taking notes at a hearing of the Naval Affairs Committee
Students posing for a group photograph with the Capitol in the background
Students looking at the city from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Students listening to speeches at the Pan-American Union
Students examining the U.S. Constitution, with the Declaration of Independence above them
Students examining the Pan-American exhibit at American University
Mrs. Roosevelt greeting each one as they visited the White House
A student on his way from the Library of Congress to the Capitol making notes about what he has seen using a friend's back for a desk
A delegation from Massachusetts talking with their Congressman, Tom Elliot
Refugee children, after learning English at Children's Colony, attend public school
Pupils being taken for a walk. They hold hands in order not to get lost or run over
Pupils being taken for a walk. They hold hands in order not to get lost or run over
German refugee child, a devotee of Superman
German refugee child playing with airplane models
French refugee child painting
French refugee child learning to sew
Five-year-old class
British refugee child putting tools away
Three-year-olds playing games
Three-year-olds of all nations playing games in English
Three-year-olds of all nations playing games in English
Three-year-olds of all nations playing games in English
Three-year-olds of all nations playing games in English
German refugee woman reading a letter from her husband, a flier in the Royal Air Force
German refugee mother reading to her son
German refugee mother giving an apple to her son
German refugee child being measured by his mother on the wall of their furnished room
German refugee boy
German refugee boy repairing a model of the SS Normandie
German refugee boy repairing a model of the SS Normandie which he made
Father bringing his son to school. Children of all nations come here and learn English rapidly
Father bringing his son to school. Children of all nations come here and learn English rapidly
Father bringing his son to school. Children of all nations come here and learn English rapidly
Children's Colony, a school for refugee children administered by a Viennese
Children's Colony, a school for refugee children administered by a Viennese. Lunch
Children's Colony, a school for refugee children administered by a Viennese. Lunch
Children's Colony, a school for refugee children administered by a Viennese. Lunch
Children of all nations listening to a story in English
Third-grade pupil acting the part of Hitler in a program produced by his class
Sixth-grade pupils making pottery influenced by Latin American design
Sixth-grade pupils making pottery influenced by Latin American design
Sixth grader making a clay bowl influenced by Latin American design
Putting a splint on a broken arm in first aid class
Putting a splint on a broken arm in first aid class
Mid-morning lunch in the kindergarten
Learning how to take care of a broken leg in first aid class
Kindergarten pupil getting to work on a puzzle
High school girls singing a song in Spanish during a radio program broadcast to Latin America
High school girls singing a song in Spanish during a radio program broadcast to Latin America
Girl announcing a radio broadcast to Latin America in Spanish
Four students working on the preliminary sketches of a mural depicting the history of Peru
Four students working on the preliminary sketches of a mural depicting the history of Peru
First-grader pupils, having their voices recorded for diction correction
First-grade pupils having their voices recorded for diction correction
First-grade pupils having their voices recorded for diction correction
Elementary school students singing America the Beautiful during a radio broadcast to Latin America
A student reciting an original poem about Brazil in elementary school assembly
Working on a relief model of New Amsterdam
The Winn at Sunday dinner
Sixth graders working on an illuminated map of South America
Putting the finishing touches on a map of the world
Public school teacher showing the first grade pupils pictures of Indians
Mrs. Winn calling her daughters, Janet and Marie, after Sunday school at the Jan Huss church
Marie Winn getting her morning milk
Janet Winn listening to a classmate read the Bible story
Janet Winn (center), in Sunday school
Janet and Marie Wynn feeding the ducks in Central Park
First graders in public school singing the Star Spangled Banner
First graders in public school singing the Star Spangled Banner
First graders in public school saluting the flag
First graders in public school having morning milk
First grade public school children making Indian paper hats
Dr. Winn telling Janet a tall story
Dr. and Mrs. Winn Janet and Marie, playing Chinese checkers
Students singing the Star Spangled Banner in a public school at Seventy-first Street and First Avenue
Marie Winn doing the Shoemaker's dance
Janet Winn putting on roller-skates in Central Park
Janet Winn having mid-morning milk in public school
Janet Winn copying lesson from the blackboard
Janet and Marie, roller-skating in Central Park
Janet and Marie Winn go roller-skating in Central Park
First grader Marie Winn playing Farmer in the dell
Dr. Winn tasting his daughter Marie's popsicle
Color guard saluting the flag during a Columbus Day assembly
Mrs. Wynn returns from shopping with Janet and Marie
Mrs. Winn, and her daughters, Marie and Janet
Marie Winn, wearing paper Indian hat
Janet Winn asking her teacher in Czech school a question
Janet and Marie Wynn climbing on monkey bars
Janet and Marie Winn go roller-skating
Dr. Wynn, a Czech-American, reading Huckleberry Finn
Dr. Wynn Czech-American, swinging his two daughters
Dr. Winn has his office in the apartment
Dr. Winn buying his daughters a popsicle
Wynn attend Sunday school in the Jan Huss Church
Palmrose family in their home
Marie's Sunday school class singing a hymn
Lieutenant Palmrose, American-born Finn
Lieutenant Palmrose buying sodas for his nephew and two cousins
Lieutenant Palmrose buying a soda for his nephew
Janet Wynn, age eight, goes to a Czech school
Finnish branch of the Salvation Army
Cooperatively owned apartment house
Cooperatively owned apartment house
Carlson at his desk in the Washington WPB office
Passaic, New Jersey. Factory owner Carlson organized home machine shops
Passaic, New Jersey. Factory owner Carlson organized home machine shops
Passaic, New Jersey. Factory owner Carlson organized home machine shops
Passaic, New Jersey. Factory owner Carlson organized home machine shops
Home workshop owner's wife bringing coffee during the morning's work
Home workshop owner of Swedish origin
Home machine shop owner working for defense
Helpers of a home machine shop owner
Carlson visiting one of the home workshop owners in the back yard
Carlson examining blueprints
New York, enfants de réfugiés allemands lisant une bande dessinée de Superman
200 étudiants choisis pour leur valeur intellectuelle pendant une visite d'une semaine à Washington
Enfants attendant en rangs pour acheter des timbres de soutien à la défense, dans une école publique, pour les mères engagées volontaires comme gardiennes et pour accomplir d'autres tâches dans les écoles
Emma Dougherty qui accomplit un travail d'homme, pour un salaire d'homme, nettoyant sa machine à rectifier
Volontaires engagées pour composer un journal
Bibliothèque scolaire publique
Bal d'étudiants à Greenbelt
Mrs. Leslie Atkins
Jardin d'enfants
Famille en promenade dominicale
Chambre d'enfant
New York. Workers' bookshop in a building on 13th Street
New York. Window of a Jewish religious shop
New York. The mall restaurant in Central Park
New York. Sunday photographer at the mall fountain
New York. Statue of General Sherman at 59th Street
New York. New York Times newspaper syndicate. Proofs of Times news
New York. Getting a manicure while drying hair at Francois de Paris
New York. Central Park lake
New York. Central Park common
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Minister Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Minister Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Minister Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Mahmoud Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Mahmoud
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Mahmoud Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Madame Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Minister Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue. Minister Hassan
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Egyptian Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. The son of minister Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. The mail room
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. The family of minister Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. The chancery
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. son of minister Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mrs. Squire
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mrs. Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mrs. Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mrs. Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mrs. Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Mr Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Minister Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Minister Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Jane Casey
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Casey children
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden's secretary
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden's daughter
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden's daughter
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Minister Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Madame Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Madame Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Madame Louden
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation. Madame Louden daughter
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation
Washington, D.C. The Netherlands Legation
Washington, D.C. The Australian Legation. Minister Casey
Washington, D.C. South African Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. South African Legation on Massachusetts Avenue
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Washington, D.C. South African Legation Mr. R. W. Close
Washington, D.C. South African Legation Mr. R. W. Close
Washington, D.C. South African Legation Minister Close
Washington, D.C. South African Legation Minister Close
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Washington, D.C. South African Legation
Manager of the Finnish cooperative bakery
Lieutenant Palmrose greeting his mother as he comes home on leave
Lieutenant Palmrose greeting his mother as he comes home on leave
Finnish branch of the Salvation Army
Finnish bakery. It is a cooperative, and many of the workers are Finnish-born
American-born Finn, a lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps
American-born Finn, a lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps
Afternoon coffee and cake in the home of a Finnish family named Palmrose
pour en savoir plus : voir d'autres photographies de Marjory Tollins sur Wikimedia Commons (près de 2 800)
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